The Ultimate Guide to Using the Ardent FX for Making the Best Edibles Recipes at Home

Michelle Crawford displaying the Ardent FX machine on the table.
Michelle Crawford pressing the herbal infuser controls.

The Ardent FX is the perfect appliance for making edible recipes at home. It can decarboxylate, infuse, melt, and bake all in one.

The Ardent FX makes it easy to get the full activation and infusion of THC, CBD, CBG, and other cannabinoids. You can use any plant material with the Ardent FX, including flower, kief, and concentrate. The appliance is also low-odor, making it perfect for use in the home.

The Ardent FX also has a stainless steel, dishwasher-safe cavity and the detachable base also makes cleanup easy. There is no minimum material amount with the Ardent FX, so you can work with as little as 1 gram or up to 4 ounces of plant material at a time.

But wait, there’s more: After infusion, the FX also features a “bake” cycle, which can cook and bake infused goodies inside of the same device, earning this gorgeous device its adorable nickname: “The Easy-Bake Ardent”. The Ardent FX is perfect as a personal cooking and crafting device for other foods and botanicals in addition to all of its cannabis capabilities.

Ready to buy now? Thank you for supporting my business by clicking this affiliate link to purchase an Ardent FX and save $30 with my code CANNACURIOUS on your purchase valuing $259 or more.

Michelle Crawford preparing the dried cannabis on the herbal infuser machine.

What is an Ardent FX and Why do I Need One?

The Ardent FX is an appliance that lets you decarboxylate your cannabis or hemp and infuse your favorite oils and butter making them perfect for use in edibles recipes. In this guide, I’ll show you how to use the Ardent FX to make some of the best edibles recipes at home faster, easier and more confidently than ever before.

Forget complicated decarbing temperatures and times with the Easy-Bake Ardent FX. Simply pop in your weed, press the A1 or A2 button, walk away and return to find perfectly decarboxylated cannabis every time.

Then, just drop in your oil, press infuse, and find something else to do for another hour because the FX is doing all the work for you yet again.

Strain and store your oils and butter more stylishly than ever before with Ardent’s Infusion Press and Vessels, then throw everything in the dishwasher for the easiest clean-up ever. How simple was that?

What Comes in the Box?

The Ardent FX comes in an amazing tubular box and contains:

  • 1 zippered custom travel case

  • 1 Ardent FX

  • 1 Ardent FX base with your choice of 110v or 220v plug

  • 1 Ardent Owner’s Guide

What are the Features of the Ardent FX?

Read all the pertinent details straight from on this amazing machine and what it can do for YOUR canna-kitchen:

  • Allows you to decarboxylate THC, CBD, and CBG, infuse oils, butters, milks, and creams, and bake your favorite edibles, all in the comfort of your own home and with the push of a button.

  • Uses a precision odorless process and puts you in control to customize your dose and create accurate edibles, tinctures, topicals, capsules, suppositories, and more.

  • Suitable for any space with an outlet and can also be used as a regular kitchen appliance.

  • Ideal for both the expert user and newbie, no kitchen or prior experience needed.

  • Holds up to 4 ounces at a time but requires no minimum material amount — make potent edibles with just a gram of flower!

  • Dishwasher-safe, detachable base for easy cleanup.

  • Great for at home or on-the-go, it has stylish purple looks and comes with a sleek custom carrying case

Michelle Crawford on the counter with her herbal infuser machine, the Ardent FX.

Michelle Crawford on the counter with her herbal infuser machine.

Who Is the Ardent FX for?

If you smoke weed, consume marijuana, care for a few medical marijuana patients, or otherwise enjoy a cannabis-infused lifestyle like me, you want to try recipes for food with pot. Many medical marijuana card holders are interested in getting more for their money when it comes to their weed. Edibles can seriously stretch your marijuana effects and help you save money on your weed.

Being empowered to make your own oils, topicals, and food like edibles with your hard-earned weed, concentrates, or even pot you grew at home is a game-changer that can make cannabis-infused living more affordable than ever.

Smoke can be a nuisance and make you and your home smell, so those wishing to reduce their smoking can successfully enjoy the same effects like pain relief, better mood, and nausea relief from homemade cannabis edibles recipes.

What is Decarboxylation?

To summarize, decarboxylation is the process of applying the appropriate amount of heat and time to activate THC in cannabis.

Because of this, you won’t feel “high” from cannabis until it’s been decarboxylated.

When cannabis users first make their first edibles or create a product for topical usage, they are often introduced to decarboxylation. Whether they use an oven, a crockpot, or a pressure cooker, or a sous-vide machine, these at-home activities seldom produce decarboxylated weed levels over 70%.

This means that almost a third of the medicine is lost and wasted. For most medical patients on a budget, this is unacceptable.

Ardent spent nearly a decade researching and perfecting the decarboxylation process to see how it affects cannabis.

Michelle Crawford holding two bottles of dried cannabis.

They were able to achieve total decarboxylation in three simple steps with the invention of their first and OG device, the Nova, after years of study, lab testing, and technological fine-tuning.

Time, temperature, and atmosphere are all factors in decarboxylation. Even experts struggle to do it precisely and completely. Inadequate decarboxylation causes hydrolyzed (or “burned off”) cannabinoids (THC broken down to CBN), as well as a failure to completely convert the available THC—all of which result in lost time and money.

Five-colored cannabis shaped medicine.

What are the Benefits of Decarboxylation with the Ardent FX?

  • Cannabinoids in the flower are activated directly

  • Maximize the potency of your cannabis

  • Make your own sublinguals, edibles, and medicines at home with ease and simplicity

This guide will tell you everything you need to know about decarboxylation and how you can leverage it to improve your experience with cannabis.

How do I use the Ardent FX for Making Cannabis Edibles Recipes?

The Ardent FX is a great kitchen tool for making edibles recipes with your medical or recreational cannabis, marijuana, and hemp. It can be used to infuse oils and butter with THC or CBD, making them perfect for sublingual administration, baking, or cooking.

Consider making your own infused peanut butter, magical brownie mix, cbd oil, or weed butter. Melt chocolate and make super easy infused chocolate-covered ice cream for dessert any time. Stop eating all your weed on graham crackers or firecrackers and start consuming cannabis with a wide array of more foods. Edible recipes are everywhere, and I included a few of my simplest and best in this post!

Retire your inefficient oven and get maximum potency from your marijuana products in edible recipes that taste good because they are homemade and lack that disappointing edibles taste from high-priced dispensary candy.

Here are some tips on how to use the Ardent FX for making edibles recipes:

Decarboxylate Your Cannabis the Easy Way

First, decarboxylate your cannabis by placing it in the Ardent FX and choosing A1 for THC- or CBG-rich flowers or concentrates or A2 for CBD-rich bud. This will activate the THC, CBG, or CBD in your cannabis so that it is more potent. Pro Tip: Avoid the historical problem of the lid popping off when decarbing by using the new Ardent FX Scent Shield odor-trapping lid that has replaceable carbon filters to eliminate smells and extra-gripping ridges that lock the new lid onto the unit.

Start Your Ready Canna-Pantry

Feel free to store your decarbed cannabis like any other dried herb in your pantry for future formulations. Having ready-to-use activated cannabis on-hand for making quick infusions, teas, and more is SO HANDY and cuts your canna-cooking times down by at least half. I call this having a “Ready Canna-Pantry” and have taught this to students across the country in my Homemade Health class.

Infuse Your Favorite Oils and Butters

Next, add any fats to the decarboxylated cannabis using the Ardent FX. Cover your plant matter with liquid oil, melted butter or ghee, which is a shelf-stable clarified butter and an excellent choice for infusion. Olive, Avocado, Coconut, and MCT are all wonderful choices for infusion as they are great for using in your edible recipes as well as for topical use, but please pick an oil that works for you.

I encourage people to use the cooking oil that is in your kitchen- if canola or vegetable or safflower oil is what you have, then it will work. No need to run out and buy a special oil, although you may if you want.

Cannabis oil being poured out of the Ardent.

The Cleanest Straining Game Around

After infusing your oil or butter, strain it using my absolute favorite accessory for the Ardent FX, the Infusion Press, which works just like a french press for coffee but is perfectly sized to fit your FX. It’s simple, quick, and also dishwasher safe- buy an Ardent FX Infusion Press today and thank me later for saving you ALL that time and mess from straining out your infused oils by hand.

Let’s Get You Some Stylish Storage

Ardent makes storing your infused oils and butter simple with their accessory Vessels. These discreet stainless steel containers have airtight silicon lids and are light-sensitive to safely store your oils, butter, and raffinate (Leftover plant matter from infusions- I like to blend mine with extra oil in my Vitamix and make infused bath salts with Epsom salts with mine), decarbed flower, and more.

If you are a one-stop shopper and like getting everything from the same brand, pick up some Ardent Vessels today. Otherwise, glass mason jars and other containers you might have at home will also do the job. Infused butter must be stored in the refrigerator or freezer, while infused liquid oils tend to be more shelf-stable but will last longer if stored cold or even frozen.

Be a Creative Canna-Cook

Finally, use your Ardent FX-infused oils and butter in edibles recipes. You can use them to bake THC brownies or CBD gummies or cook with them in a CBG-infused pasta sauce. The possibilities are endless!

One of my simplest go-to recipes is warm ciabatta bread served with infused olive oil and balsamic vinegar as an appetizer. Sprinkle with salt, pepper, and a little Italian seasoning and enjoy!

Be sure to start with a low dose and increase as needed. Remember, edibles can take up to two hours to take effect so be patient and enjoy the experience. Resist the urge to eat more if you don’t feel your expected effects right away as edibles recipes are notorious for making folks feel too high from eating too much.

One simple recipe for relief from too much THC is actually to take CBD to make you feel more grounded. You can make your own simple THC and CBD oils so easily from weed you grew or weed from a dispensary.

I hope these tips on using the Ardent FX for making edibles recipes help you create delicious and potent edibles safely and more confidently at home than ever before.

Want an Ardent FX now? Thank you for supporting my business by clicking this affiliate link to purchase an Ardent FX and save $30 with my code CANNACURIOUS on your purchase valuing $259 or more.


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