How to Make Space for Success: 5 Simple Steps

Michelle Crawford with her laptop sitting on a chair with hand on her chin.

It’s time to set our sights on what we want to achieve in the coming months.

Whether you’re looking to improve your health, start a new course like my Homemade Health Tinctures Masterclass, or just get your life more in order, Spring is the perfect time to make it happen.

By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to a successful Spring.

So get started today and make the most of this fresh start!

Michelle Crawford sitting with her pen and notebook.

An Ipad and a weekly planner template display on the screen.

5 Simple Steps to Success:

1. Determine what you want to achieve this Spring. 

Making a list of goals will help you focus your attention and effort on what’s truly important. 

Making a list of your goals is a great way to get started. This will help you focus your attention on what’s truly important and ensure that you’re making progress. But it’s not enough to just have a goal; you need to have a plan for achieving it. 

Students in my Tinctures class have many goals, and my course provides a great plan for achieving things like: 

  • Gaining canna-confidence in your DIY skills 💪

  • Learning how to make multi-cannabinoid tinctures 🌱

  • Saving money on your cannabis regimen 💰

  • Improving your health or that of loved ones 💚

  • Helping your clients learn to DIY themselves 👍

Jot down some goals on your phone or better yet, on a sticky note or in a journal. This will do wonders in helping you achieve it.

2. Take inventory of your space. 

Do you have enough room to pursue your goals? If not, it’s time to declutter and get organized. 

When it comes to creating success in your life, one of the most important things you can do is take inventory of your space. If you have several empty kitchen cabinets and drawers open and waiting to hold your new canna-kitchen equipment and supplies, I’m so happy for you and how easy this step will be for you. 

But if you are like me and would have to clear out some unused items or re-organize to make room to work, then this step might take more time, energy, and brainpower to complete.  

By taking the time to assess your physical space, you can gain a better understanding of what’s frustrating you and what you need to do to move forward. If you don’t have enough room to pursue your goals, it’s time to get rid of the clutter and make more space.  

Give yourself the pure pleasure of a convenient physical space in which to do your work if you possibly can. Even if it is just one shelf! 

I call the nook in my kitchen where I have my canna-pantry, machines, and supplies my “Baking Corner” 😁. And you most certainly can, too. Try it!

Personal workplace with a sign that says Get Shit Done.

A hand holding a pen and a weekly planner notebook.

3. Set aside time each week to work on your projects. 

This will ensure that you stay on track and make progress. 

No matter what your goals are this Spring, setting aside time each week to work on them is essential for making progress.  

By setting aside just a few hours each week, you can make significant progress towards achieving your goals. This will help you stay on track and motivated to continue. Let’s face it, feeling like we’re behind scares most of us, and carrying that fear and burden just adds unwanted negative stress to our lives. 

So go ahead and put some time in your schedule for working on your goals. You’ll be glad you did when you start seeing results. 

If you are taking my Homemade Health Tinctures course, I recommend using an online or paper calendar and scheduling a few hours a week for your class time, time to do assignments, review lessons, and work on your canna-pantry and projects.

4. Be realistic in your expectations. 

Pursuing big goals is admirable, but remember that Rome wasn’t built in a day. 

Creating success in any area of your life can feel daunting, but it doesn’t have to be complicated. By taking the time to assess what you want to achieve and setting aside dedicated time to work towards your goals, you can set yourself up for a successful course.  

Break down your goals into manageable pieces and focus on making progress, not perfection. 

Why? Because as we say at CCI: Done is better than perfect.  

A woman’s hands working with a laptop.

Women standing on a beach rock in front of the ocean with arms up.

5. Celebrate your successes. 

Achieving goals is cause for celebration! Take time to enjoy your accomplishments and use them as motivation. 

Have faith and believe in yourself until you finally prove to yourself that you can do it. Once you know you can do it, you have empowered yourself and no one can take that truth from you.  

That is worthy of celebration and joy! Share your success with family and friends and let them congratulate you. Perhaps have a special dinner, or treat yourself to a rewarding outing or activity.  

However you celebrate is up to you, but always remember to celebrate because achieving our goals is worthy of celebrating. 

So, as we transition into Spring, it’s the perfect time to take stock of our lives and set some goals for the coming months- for example, you could decide to take my Tinctures Class and become a Home Healer with a great community. By taking a few simple steps, we can create the conditions for success in whatever pursuits we undertake.  

  • First, it’s important to determine what we want to achieve. What are our priorities? What would we like to accomplish? This will help us focus our attention on what’s truly important. 

  • Next, we need to take inventory of our space. Do we have enough room to pursue our goals? If not, it’s time to declutter and get organized. 

  • Then, we need to set aside time each week to work on our projects. This will ensure that we stay on track and make progress. 

  • It’s also important to be realistic in our expectations. We can’t do everything at once, and we shouldn’t expect perfection. 

  • Finally, we should celebrate our successes. When we reach our goals, it’s a cause for celebration! 

 By following these simple steps, we can create the conditions for success in Tinctures Masterclass or whatever we do.

For those of you joining me this Spring, I can’t wait to set you up for SUCCESS in my Homemade Health Tinctures Class. Buy it now and join us starting June 3rd!

💚 Love and ✨ Miracles

Spring flowering trees.


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